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General FAQs About Systane® and Dry Eye


See our answers to your most frequently asked questions about Systane® and Dry Eye symptoms below.

General FAQs About Systane® and Dry Eye


See our answers to your most frequently asked questions about Systane® and Dry Eye symptoms below.

    We do not sell directly to consumers but our products can be found at all major retailers, pharmacies, eye care professional offices, and online. If you don’t see the product you want in stock, see the retailer, eye doctor, or pharmacist and ask them to order it for you.

    Liquid drops are primarily recommended for daytime use and mild irritation, while thicker formulas such as gels and ointments are recommended for nighttime application or severe irritation.

    The blue tip on Systane® COMPLETE, HYDRATION, and ULTRA Preservative-Free Lubricant Eye Drops is not to be removed. The PureFlow Multi-Dose Preservative-Free technology prevents backflow and allows for sterile air return. Squeezing the bottle creates pressure and collapses a spring to allow the product to flow. Release of that pressure closes the valve and prevents backflow. The patented technology in the bottle does not let contamination back into the bottle.

    For Systane® COMPLETE, HYDRATION, and ULTRA Preservative-Free Lubricant Eye Drops, the PureFlow Multi-Dose Preservative-Free technology prevents backflow and allows for sterile air return. Squeezing the bottle creates pressure and collapses a spring to allow the product to flow. Release of that pressure closes the valve and prevents backflow. The patented technology in the bottle does not let contamination back into the bottle.

    The first drop is to be dispensed and discarded before first using the product after opening only. This allows for proper flow of the product after opening.

    Yes. Systane® COMPLETE PRESERVATIVE-FREE contains a nano-emulsion of mineral oil and phospholipids that give it a cloudy white appearance. Shake well before use.

    Yes. Systane® offers several preservative-free options that provide dry eye relief for those with sensitive eyes.

    Systane® offers several different types of eye drops, each designed to address specific eye conditions or provide different levels of relief. Here are the differences between our drop families:


    COMPLETE: Longest lasting, up to 8 hours of relief
    Formulated for: All types of dry eye
    Systane® COMPLETE provides long-lasting relief—clinically proven for up to 8 hours—and provides relief for all major types of dry eye, both aqueous (lack of tear production) and evaporative (often due to MGD, where tears evaporate too quickly due to an inadequate lipid/oil layer in the tear film).


    HYDRATION: Long-lasting
    Formulated for: Aqueous dry eye (lack of tear production)
    Systane® HYDRATION is formulated for long-lasting relief, it contains hydroxypropyl guar (HP-Guar) and Hyaluronate to reduce friction and restore natural moisture balance. This product is similar to Systane® ULTRA, but also contains Hyaluronic Acid (HA). It’s a good fit for those recovering from eye surgery like LASIK or cataract surgery.


    ULTRA: Fast relief
    Formulated for: Aqueous dry eye (lack of tear production)
    Systane® ULTRA offers fast-acting hydration and long-lasting dry eye relief. This product is a good fit for aqueous dry eye (lack of tear production).


    BALANCE: Long-lasting
    Formulated for: Evaporative Dry Eye (lack of tear quality due to low lipid/oil layer in tears)
    Systane® BALANCE is specifically designed for evaporative dry eye, it replenishes the oily component of tears to prevent tear evaporation.


    Ask your eye doctor or pharmacist to determine the best Systane® eye drop for your needs.

    Yes. Systane® Hydration is a good choice for dry eye drops after LASIK or cataract surgery.

    Systane® ULTRA PRESERVATIVE-FREE, Systane® HYDRATION PRESERVATIVE-FREE and Systane® COMPLETE PRESERVATIVE-FREE Lubricant Eye Drops can be used with soft contact lenses. They are not rewetting drops.

    This site is intended for a Canadian Audience